Public meetings are scheduled the week of July 20 - 24, 2021 throughout the Kenai Peninsula to gather residents' input on wildfire topics such as emergency management, education/outreach, and fuels reduction projects. Your input is invaluable for the development of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). Communities develop CWPPs to address wildfire planning, response, and recovery. We want to ensure that this plan represents your community’s preferences for emergency management, education and outreach, and fuels reduction activities to effectively lower wildfire risk. We welcome community members to join the planning process and let us know what matters to you.
Yes, there are other meeting opportunities too! Attend another meeting or get more information and complete a community survey at You may also contact Brenda Ahlberg, Kenai Peninsula Borough Office of Emergency Management, or 907-714-2153, or Emily Geery, Project Manager,
Your input is greatly appreciated and will be the key to a well-documented plan for our borough.
#Firewise #FireAdapted #kenaipeninsula #Alaska #alllandsallhands #wildfirepreparedness #readysetgo
NOTE: Meetings for off-road communities and central peninsula communities are being scheduled for August dates.
This project is funded in part by the Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska Division of Forestry and Department of Natural Resources pursuant to USDA Forest Service Award No. 2018-DG-110106-810.